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​Discover peace of mind.

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New Business Start-ups

Discover the benefits of good numbers.
Helping you focus on the business at hand.

Software and File Setup Services - Janice can help individuals set up QuickBooks and Sage 50.

The chart of accounts is the backbone to your books. Setting up your software properly and creating a file with a proper chart of accounts is important to the integrity of your books and accurate reporting to CRA. Janice is ready to put her 20+ years of bookkeeping experience to work for you by setting up your software including your file with a proper chart of accounts in a manner that will help to assure your books are accurate and complete. Ask about our QuickBooks or Sage 50 software and file setup services today!

​People who understand their numbers are more likely to succeed with peace of mind.  
Town & Country
 Bookkeeping & Training
Software and Bookkeeping Training - Town & Country Bookkeeping & Training  has been offering training services in eastern Ontario for many years.  We offer a complete range of software training choices.
Helping people and businesses.
         Discover peace of mind.